Nutri-Pak® Roses & Flowering Plants 15-20-15
3-Year Time Release Fertilizer Packets
For Roses and Flowering Plants we recommend our N-P-K formulation of 15-20-15. This will give your flowering plants good overall growth and health, while supplying higher levels of phosphorus and Potassium, ideal for better blooming and rooting. The 3-Year packets are ideal for outside landscaped flowering plants like Roses, Spireas, Potentillas etc.
For Roses & Flowering Plants: Use a minimum of 2 packets – plants over 24 inches use 1 packet per 12 inches of height or spread. An established Rose will use 5 packets. Bury the packets 6-8 inches deep near the plants roots. The packets should be spaced evenly around the dripline of established plantings, or around the root mass of new plantings.
Pots or Hanging Baskets: Use 1-2 packets in 4-10 inch, 2-3 packets in 11-14 inch and 3-4 packets in 15 inch and up. The packets should be buried unopened in the pot, halfway between the plants stem and the edged of the pot or hanging basket, and halfway down or about 3 inches below the surface of the soil.
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Highly Recommended
From Penny Stevens of Bakersfield, California on .
I have two camellias that were not doing well this spring...yellowish leaves and did not even bloom this year. I moved one plant and added one 3 year nutripak to each plant in April sometime. The plant that was moved never got shocky and is actively growing and the established plant is a much darker green already. Great stuff for the garden!
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