New shelf stable bags. Bread can be shipped as a dry item versus cold.

Use or freeze upon receipt. Freeze on receipt to achieve the Best Buy date.


There are currently no products in this category.

Due to a system upgrade, we are unable to process credit card orders until July 29th. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Orders from this store will be shipped to the US. For orders to be shipped to Canada, please use our Canadian store. For destinations other than US or Canada, please call to order.

Les commandes placées sur ce site seront livrées au Etats-Unis seulement. Si vous êtes du Canada, veuillez s.v.p. utiliser le "Canadian Store". Pour toutes destinations autres que les Etats-Unis et le Canada, veuillez téléphoner pour placer votre commande.

866 456 9776 (ALLERGY: 833 377 2773)
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$50 Cold Ship minimum, if you order any Cold Ship items.

$30 Dry Ship minimum, if you order any Dry Ship items.

WARNING: California Customers (click here)